We believe that our Smart (economical) Green (environmentally friendly) Homes will make the world a better place through minimizing their carbon footprint, healthier indoor air quality, and utilizing renewable resources such as solar energy.
We serve our clients with the same pride we would take in designing our own homes.
We deliver high quality designs and energy modelling services that provide you with your dream home that will last the test of time and is guaranteed to perform at least 55% better than if it was built as a standard construction home.
We are consistently honest and truthful, and are driven to evolve with the demand for more sustainable, healthier, high quality homes.
We make commitments and we keep them. One of our inside jokes within our team is a quote from the wise Yoda: "Do or do not, there is no try." We bring this mindset to everything we do.
We treat all of our clients, team, stakeholders and builders with the highest respect. Without one of these components we wouldn't be able to do what we love most.
Another one of our team motos is:
"Just because that's the way we've always done it, does not mean it's the way we always will."
Evolution and innovation are huge pieces as to what sets us apart from the rest. We wanted to design high performance homes, and the National Building Code did not have the same standard we believed Canadians deserved, so we set our own standard and will continue to raise the bar.
We partner with all of our stakeholders to understand their needs and develop win-win solutions.
We love what we do and we have fun doing it.
They say if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life. It wouldn't be fully truthful to say we never feel like what we do is work, but there are certainly more fun and fulfilling days in our weeks than stressful ones.
We create fair and reasonable fees that reflect the value of the services provided and are sustainable for our business.

Ian Loughran
Owner & Entrepreneur
P. Eng
Riley Fitzsimmons
Building Science Specialist
P. Eng & Certified Energy Advisor

Kendra Koerting
Client and Operations Manager

Milton Tootoosis
Business Development and Indigenous Relations

Ronn Lepage
CA, CMC, C.Dir., LEED Homes AP